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Colour Blind Test
908 Main St
Walpole, Maine 02081
United States
(508) 668-6321 https://www.blindnesstest.com *******

Color Blind test is a type of visual assessment used to evaluate an individual's ability to perceive and distinguish different colors. These tests are often used to diagnose color blindness or other types of color vision deficiencies.

By taking color blindness test, you can gain a better understanding of your color vision abilities and any potential deficiencies that you may have. This information can be useful for a variety of purposes, including employment opportunities, driving safety, and personal health management.

This test is based on the latest research in color vision and is designed to be easy to use, even for those who have never taken a color blindness test before. It includes a series of plates with colored dots and shapes, which are designed to test for specific types of color blindness.

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