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Hoàng Minh Quân
*******, ******* *******
Viet Nam
******* https://www.hoang-minh-quan.com

Hoang Minh Quan, a leading financial expert in the Vietnamese stock market, is a symbol of creativity and unique vision in finance. After studying from Hanoi National University to Tokyo University in Japan, Mr. Quan has affirmed his class at Nomura Securities Company. In 2016, he returned to his hometown and founded ""Advantage Partners,"" an investment fundraising company that brought vitality to the domestic stock market. Through creativity and sophisticated strategy, in 2018, Mr. Quan predicted market trends with an economic development model and adjusted his investment portfolio according to the scenario. The ""lowest level of Nikkei 225 index"" strategy not only enriched him and his team but also marked Mr. Quan as a ""prophet in the stock market."" Hoang Minh's courageous journey Quan is a constant source of inspiration for those exploring the world of investment and finance. Website: https://www.hoang-minh-quan.com https://www.youtube.com/@hoangminhquanco https://www.pinterest.com/hoangminhquanco/ https://www.tumblr.com/hoangminhquanco https://www.twitch.tv/hoangminhquanco/about

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