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Tips Energy conservation 

It is said that saving energy is equivalent to producing energy. So, we have to use only energy sources not only judiciously, but the energy that we can save is the energy we have to protect. You can start conserving energy from your home. Below are some important tips for saving energy:
Turn off the fan, light and other electrically run appliances when not in use. Don't leave the water taps open.
Cover the utensil while cooking rice, dal etc., and use only the required quantity of water to cook. If you soak the pulses in water for some time before cooking, they will need less energy to cook.

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Another way of saving energy is to use more efficient tools. For example, using LEDs or CFLs instead of using bulbs or tube lights gives more efficiency and gives more light to the same power tube light as compared to the bulb. Even in some countries, the bulb is running out of circulation. Good stoves burn fuel more efficiently and provide more heat for combustion per unit of fuel. Fuel efficient vehicles should be used and their engines must be maintained properly.
It is only a few habits that can save a lot of energy. Where energy can be saved, we should find ways to protect it. For example, if you have to go to a place, you can go either by bicycle or on foot without using the vehicle. To save fuel you can also use public transport to replace your vehicle. You can also take your coworkers along instead of going to office alone.

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