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Do you know what sentence I have never heard my grandmother say? "Sophie, I desperately need new bedding, mine is really over." On the contrary, the last one she bought at the beginning of her marriage, more than 55 years ago. It is inconceivable that after decades of daily use and constant washing, such sheets are still wonderfully in shot and can even be passed on to the next generation. I asked Grandma Marie: What makes good, durable bedding? by Sophie We lie down every night without thinking too much about it. No fabric is used more often, more strained. It never goes out of fashion, never becomes superfluous, and if you buy it simply enough, you never lose your liking. Reasons enough to reach deep into your pocket when it's bed linen and to rely on unyielding quality. Unfortunately, we prefer the supposed bargains for 20 or 30€. I have always regretted the pleasure purchases, because the bed linen was discoloured, warped and dented after a few washings. It would also be unrealistic to demand more quality at such prices. But buy cheaply, throw it away, buy new – that's not sustainable, nor does it save money. So let's get some tips from my expert, my grandmother. The price "There used to be bed linen for tax purposes, they were sinfully expensive, I don't know how much exactly, in Mark. But today it is certainly three-digit, at least 100 euros, for a good one. You swallow it first, but actually it is logical: these are material that must not have any mistakes, it must be firm and tightly woven, but 100 or 150€ is not too much money. If we had bought cheap bed linen at the beginning of the marriage, which would have been broken after two or three years, then you have to buy new ones, which will break again, that will continue. I got married 55 years ago, that would have been a lot of money that we would have just wasted because of false geizes. You know the saying: I am unfortunately too poor to buy cheaply." The specialist shop "We went to the specialist shop before I turned 18. Then my father bought me a bed linen, which I still have today, with a fine flower pattern made of white linen. And when my father paid, he said to the salesman, "Now I hope I never have to go to their store again!" And then the salesman said, "I hope so too!" That was the case at the time, the specialist shops had only the finest goods, since the following was true: if you have a bed linen, you actually have enough, you don't need to buy any more. The seller knew that too. But I went there again, just before the marriage and the salesman could even remember me. Just don't buy in the furniture store!" The material "Linen used to be made of linen or damask, but I swear only on linen. Unfortunately, this is much more expensive than cotton, because the production is more complex. But in summer it feels wonderfully cool, is pleasant on the skin and very robust – I haven't had to patch a hole for ever! The most beautiful linen comes from Belgium, but also in Germany there are great manufactories, for example at Lusatia. There are now also mixed fabrics: half linen and half cotton, which is of course cheaper. We haven't had anything like this before. " The pattern "In the bedroom, always as simple as possible. A pattern can be so beautiful – if you see it for years before falling asleep and after waking up, you will be fed up at some point. Except for a bit of lace, my bed linen is always quite simple, either white or beige, when I was younger, I also had some with roses. Things that never go out of fashion are the best!" https://5e3bc5f396934.site123.me The care "That's the nice thing about good bedding: she can withstand almost everything. Wash it hot, at least 60 degrees, so that it gets really clean. That's why bed linen with fine lace or hole pattern is not practical, which takes it badly if you tackle it too hard. Mine has always endured everything and looks like the first day."

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