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Question often is what is my screen resolution ? In addition to screen size and resolution, pixel density has become an important factor in choosing a product. Our topic is the transition to high pixel density screens, including trends in the latest technology. There are two standards for 4K resolution, "DCI 4K" and "UHD 4K."

DPI (dots per inch) is the number of dots that are within a 1-inch scan or print line. For monitors and displays, DPI is discarded in favor of PPI (pixels per inch). Although PPI is an accurate term for monitors and other displays, the two terms are often used interchangeably. Support for the high pixel density display environment on PC OS is called HiDPI support. In addition to support on the OS site, application support is also advancing, and the PC software environment around HiDPI has risen to a practical level. This is encouraging the proliferation of very high pixel density displays such as 4K. In terms of hardware, the GPU already has what could be considered overkill processing power for general use lately, so even PCs that are not particularly powerful should be able to handle 4K displays (although enjoying 4K games and videos on them will be a different story).

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